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What is the price of Banano (ban)?

The current price is $0.00689 per BAN. Banano is 100.00% below the all time high of $4,191,470.26. The current circulating supply is 1,377,658,529 BAN. What Is Banano (BAN)? Banano is an instant and feeless cryptocurrency powered by DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) technology disrupting the meme economy.

What is the Banano price prediction sentiment?

The Banano price prediction sentiment is currently neutral. Banano's current circulating supply is 1.36B BAN. The current yearly supply inflation rate is 3.28% meaning 43.17M BAN were created in the last year. In terms of market cap, Banano is currently ranked #20 in the Meme Coins sector.

How much will Banano cost in 2022?

Based on our Banano price prediction, the price of Banano will increase by 4.32% and reach $ 0.006080 by September 4, 2022. What is the current Banano sentiment? The current Banano sentiment is bearish according to our technical analysis. The majority of technical indicators are showing sell. How to predict cryptocurrency prices?

What is the best exchange to buy Banano?

If you are looking to buy or sell Banano, CoinEx is currently the most active exchange. What was the highest price for Banano? Banano hit an all time high of $0.054044489250 on May 08, 2021 (over 1 year). What was the lowest price for Banano? Banano had an all time low of $0.000089894187 on Apr 13, 2020 (over 2 years).

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